#6 Weekly Korean Lesson - BLACKPINK - '마지막처럼 (AS IF IT'S YOUR LAST)'

너 뭔데 자꾸 생각나  who are you that I can't stop thinking
자존심 상해 애가 타  my pride is hurt and it's frustrating
얼굴이 뜨겁고 가슴은 계속 뛰어  my face is hot and my heart keeps beating
내 몸이 맘대로 안 돼 어지러워  I can't control my body and feel dizzy

넌 한 줌의 모래 같아  you are like a handful of sand
잡힐 듯 잡히지 않아  it's hard to grab it
넌 쉽지 않은 걸 그래서 더 끌려  you are not easy so it's more attractive
내 맘이 맘대로 안 돼 어이없어  I can't control my mind.. speechless

지금 너를 원하는  wanting you now
내 숨결이 느껴지니  do you feel my breath
널 바라보고 있어도 missing you  even though I am looking at you
서툰 날 won’t you set me free  inexperienced me, won't you set me free

Baby 날 터질 것처럼 안아줘  Baby hug me like bursting me
그만 생각해 뭐가 그리 어려워  stop thinking, what's so difficult
거짓말처럼 키스해줘 내가 너에게  kiss me like a lie, for me to you
마지막 사랑인 것처럼  like the last love

마지막처럼 마-마-마지막처럼  like the last time, like the last time
마지막 밤인 것처럼 love  like the last night
마지막처럼 마-마-마지막처럼  like the last time, like the last time
내일 따윈 없는 것처럼  like there is no tomorrow

Uh I'ma fall in love baby  Uh I'ma fall in love baby
You gon finna catch me  You gon finna catch me
Uh give you all of this baby  Uh give you all of this baby
Call me pretty and nasty  Call me pretty and nasty
Cause we gonna get it my love  Cause we gonna get it my love
you can bet it on  you can bet it on
black we gon double the stack  black we gon double the stack
on them whoa  on them whoa
I be the Bonnie  I be the Bonnie
and you be my Clyde  and you be my Clyde
We ride or die  We ride or die
Xs and Os  Xs and Os

시간은 흘러가는데 마음만 급해지지  time flies, feel rushed
내 세상은 너 하나만 missing you  you are the only one in my world, missing you
서툰 날 won’t you set me free  inexperienced me, won't you set me free

Baby 날 터질 것처럼 안아줘  Baby hug me like bursting me
그만 생각해 뭐가 그리 어려워  stop thinking, what's so difficult
거짓말처럼 키스해줘 내가 너에게  kiss me like a lie, for me to you
마지막 사랑인 것처럼  like the last love

마지막처럼 마-마-마지막처럼  like the last time, like the last time
마지막 밤인 것처럼 love  like the last night
마지막처럼 마-마-마지막처럼  like the last time, like the last time
내일 따윈 없는 것처럼  like there is no tomorrow

One two three 새로운 시작이야  One two three it's a new beginning
절대 뒤돌아보진 않을 거니까  I will never look back
날 너에게 던지면 너는 날 꼭 잡아줘  if I throw myself to you, please catch me
세상은 우릴 꺾지 못할 테니까  the world won't be able to break us

BLACKPINK in your area  BLACKPINK in your area

Baby 날 터질 것처럼 안아줘  Baby hug me like bursting me
그만 생각해 뭐가 그리 어려워  stop thinking, what's so difficult
거짓말처럼 키스해줘 내가 너에게  kiss me like a lie, for me to you
마지막 사랑인 것처럼  like the last love

마지막처럼 마-마-마지막처럼  like the last time, like the last time
마지막 밤인 것처럼 love  like the last night
마지막처럼 마-마-마지막처럼  like the last time, like the last time
내일 따윈 없는 것처럼  like there is no tomorrow

Korean English Korean English
자존심 pride body
모래 sand 지금 now
숨결 breath 거짓말 lie
키스 kiss 사랑 love
마지막 last time night
내일 tomorrow 시간 time
세상 world 시작 beginning

**Note: Dictionary form is words you can search in dictionary.**
Found words Dictionary form English meaning
생각나 생각나다 to come to mind
상해 상하다 to go bad
같아 같다 to be same or like
잡히지 잡히다 to be grabbed
쉽지 쉽다 to be easy
끌려 끌리다 to drag
없어 없다 to not exist
원하는 원하다 to want
느껴지니 느껴지다 to be felt
바라보고 바라보다 to stare at
있어도 있다 to exist
안아줘 안다 to hug
키스해줘 키스하다 to kiss
흘러가는데 흘러가다 to flow
급해지지 급해지다 to be rushed
터질 터지다 to be burst
생각해 생각하다 think
어려워 어렵다 to be difficult
뒤돌아보진 뒤돌아보다 to look back
던지면 던지다 to throw
잡아줘 잡다 to brab
꺽지 꺽다 to break

Korean English
시간이 흐르다 Time flies.
For English "Time flies", the meaning as understood in Korean is "Time flows".

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