#8 Weekly Korean Lesson - SUNMI (선미) _ 'Heroine (주인공)'

내 몸이 확  my body completely,
머리가 휙  head completely
돌아가 어때  spin, how is
지금 기분이  your feeling now

우리는 마치  we are like
자석같아  magnets
서로를 안고  because we hug each other
또 밀쳐내니까  and also push away

너는 날 미치게 하고  you make me crazy and
정신 못 차리게 해  make me lose my mind
그래 알겠지 넌 참  that's right, you must know.. you really
날 기가 막히게 해  make me stunned

너는 날 춤추게 하고  you make me dance and
술 없이 취하게 해  make me drunk without booze
그래 알겠지 넌 참  that's right, you must know.. you really
착한 날 독하게 해  make me spiteful even though I am nice

우리 둘만의  two of us
이 영화에  in this movie
진짜 주인공은 너였어 baby  the real heroine was you, baby
그래 넌 오늘도 너답게  that's right. even today you are being you
화려한 주인공처럼  like a famous star

그저 하던 대로 해  just continue what you've been doing
그게 악역이라도  even if that's a horrible role
나를 슬프게 해도  even if that makes me sad
넌 너여야만 해  you must be you
내가 아플지라도  even if that makes me sick
슬픈 엔딩이라도  even if that's a sad ending

the show must go on  the show must go on
the show must go on  the show must go on

너는 늘 끝장을 보고  I am planning to end you and
모든 걸 덮으려 해  cover up everything
왜 날개를 달아주고  why did you give me wings and
추락하자 해  suggest to drop to the ground

너는 늘 착하지라며  you always say I am kind
날 눈물 삼키게 하잖아  and make me swallow my tears
그래 알겠지 알겠지  that's right, you must know, you must know
넌 날 혹하게 해  you make me deluded

우리 둘만의  two of us
이 영화에  in this movie
진짜 주인공은 너였어 baby  the real heroine character was you, baby
그래 넌 오늘도 너답게  that's right. even today you are being you
화려한 주인공처럼  like a famous star

그저 하던 대로 해  just continue what you've been doing
그게 악역이라도  even if that's a horrible role
나를 슬프게 해도  even if that makes me sad
넌 너여야만 해  you must be you
내가 아플지라도  even if that makes me sick
슬픈 엔딩이라도  even if that's a sad ending

the show must go on  the show must go on
the show must go on  the show must go on

그저 하던 대로 해  just continue what you've been doing
그게 악역이라도  even if that's a horrible role
나를 슬프게 해도  even if that makes me sad
넌 너여야만 해  you must be you
내가 아플지라도  even if that makes me sick
슬픈 엔딩이라도  even if that's a sad ending

the show must go on  the show must go on
the show must go on  the show must go on
you must go on  you must go on

Korean English Korean English
body 기분 feeling
머리 head 우리 we
자석 magnet 정신 mind
energy dance
booze, alcohol 영화 movie
주인공 Heroine, main character 악역 horrible role
엔딩 ending (romanized from English) 끝장 ending
날개 wings 눈물 tear

**Note: Dictionary form is words you can search in dictionary.**
Found words Dictionary form English meaning
돌아가 돌아가다 to spin
안고 안다 to hug
밀쳐내니까 밀쳐내다 tp push away
알겠지 알다 to know
막히게 막히다 to block
춤추게 춤추다 to dance
취하게 취하다 to be drunk
독하게 독하다 to be spiteful (personality)
슬프게 슬프다 to be sad
아플지라도 아프다 to be sick
보고 보다 to see
달아주다 달다 to hang
추락하자 추락하다 to drop to ground
착하지라며 착하다 to be kind
삼키게 삼키다 to swallow
혹하게 혹하다 to be deluded

Korean English
기가 막혀요. I am stunned.
When it's directly translated, it means "energy is blocked".
This is interpreted as usually "I am so stunned that I am speechless".

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