#13 Weekly Korean Lesson - 크러쉬 (Crush) - Cereal (Feat. ZICO)

fanxy  fanxy

baby 난 널 볼 때마다  baby whenever I see you
믿기지가 않아  I can't believe it
너도 즐기고 있잖아  I know you are also enjoying it
(모두 다 고개가 돌아가 돌아가)  all the heads spin

어디서든 네가 받는 spotlight  everywhere you go, you receive the spotlight
질투 나서 안 되겠어 다가갈래 난  I am getting jealous, let me approach
내 몸에 달려있는 wi-fi  wi-fi attached to my body
너한테 연결하고 싶은 밤  wants to connect you at night
so what's your serial number?   so what's your serial number?
such a limited edition  such a limited edition
I really want you to be my girl  I really want you to be my girl
yeah yeah ~  yeah yeah ~

cereal 너와 특별한 아침을 맞이해  cereal I greet the special morning with you
cereal 호랑이 기운 솟아나 나 지금  cereal I've got the tiger energy now
cereal 그래놀라 널 볼 때마다 I say oh my god  cereal yeah surprised, every time I see you I say oh my god
see real she's real  see real she's real
she's real she's real she's real she's real  she's real she's real she's real she's real
see real see real see real see real  see real see real see real see real

둥근 해가 떴습니다 꼬끼오  The round sun arose, cock-a-doodle-doo
넌 실눈 뜨고 내 아랫배를 꼬집어  you open your eyes slightly, pinched my belly
치즈처럼 늘어져서는 어기적  feeling lazy like cheese
아침을 놓친 대신 해질녘에 먹는 브런치  eating brunch at sunset after missing breakfast
일 중독에 올빼미족이  workaholic owls
자정을 못 넘기고 칼퇴근해 (후다닥)  cannot stay after midnight and leave work (quickly)
고양이가 하악질도 잠시  cat growling for a moment
벌렁 누워 드러내는 배 yeah  showing belly on the back yeah

sweet smell of love 음미해 천천히  sweet smell of love taste it slowly
입안에 감도는 달짝지근한 표현들  lingering sweet expressions inside mouth
어설픈 비유는 때려칠게  I will quit the awkward comparison
슬슬 완벽함에 대한 예의가 아니거든  it's not becoming courteous for perfection
so what’s your serial number?  so what’s your serial number?
let me know your birthday  let me know your birthday
오늘부터 혼밥은 믿고 걸러  you can skip eating meals alone from today

cereal 너와 특별한 아침을 맞이해  cereal I greet the special morning with you
cereal 호랑이 기운 솟아나 나 지금  cereal I've got the tiger energy now
cereal 그래놀라 널 볼 때마다 I say oh my god  cereal yeah surprised, every time I see you I say oh my god
see real she's real  see real she's real
she's real she's real she's real she's real  she's real she's real she's real she's real
see real see real see real see real  see real see real see real see real

우윳빛 피부가 눈 깜짝할 새  milk coloured skin in the twinkling of an eye
내 맘을 눅눅하게 해  softens my mind
사르르 녹아줘 나와 비슷한 색으로 물들여지게  melt me, so that I become soaked to the similar colour
scoop scoop  scoop scoop
한 톨도 남김없이 퍼다 줘  pour it for me without leaving any grain behind
수북수북  in piles, in piles
쌓여 가 너와 나  stacked up you and me

cereal (I’m serious)  cereal (I’m serious)
너와 특별한 아침을 맞이해  I greet the special morning with you
cereal (yummy yummy yummy)   cereal (yummy yummy yummy)
호랑이 기운 솟아나 나 지금  I've got the tiger energy now
cereal 그래놀라 널 볼 때마다 I say oh my god  cereal yeah surprised, every time I see you I say oh my god
she’s real she's real  she’s real she's real
she's real she's real she's real she's real  she's real she's real she's real she's real
see real see real see real see real  see real see real see real see real

fanxy  fanxy

Korean English Korean English
I you
모두 all 고개 head
어디 where body
night 아침 morning
호랑이 tiger 지금 now
sun eyes
belly, stomach 치즈 cheese
해질녁 sunset 브런치 brunch
work 중독 addiction
올빼미 owl 자정 midnight
퇴근 getting off work 고양이 cat
하악질 growling mouth
표현 expression 비유 comparison
예의 courtesy 오늘 today
혼밥 meals alone 우유 milk
피부 skin color

**Note: Dictionary form is words you can search in dictionary.**
Found words Dictionary form English meaning
보다 to see
믿기지가 믿다 to believe
즐기고 즐기다 to enjoy
돌아가 돌아가다 to spin
받는 받다 to receive
다가갈래 다가가다 to approach
달려있는 달려있다 to be hung, attached
연결하고 연결하다 to connect
특별한 특별하다 to be special
맞이해 맞이하다 to greet
솟아나 솟아나다 to surge
놀라 놀라다 to be surprised
떴습니다 뜨다 to arise
꼬집어 꼬집다 to pinch
늘어져서는 늘어지다 to be lazy, saggy
놓친 놓치다 to miss
먹는 먹다 to eat
넘기고 넘기다 to pass
누워 눕다 to lie down
드러내는 드러내다 to show
음미해 음미하다 to taste
감도는 감돌다 to linger
달짝지근한 달짝지근하다 to be sweet
어설픈 어설프다 to be awkward
걸러 거르다 to skip (meal)
깜짝할 깜짝하다 to blink
녹아줘 녹다 to melt
쌓여 쌓다 to stack

Grammar examples:
Korean English
너한테 연결하고 싶은 밤 night I want to connect you
불고기를 주문하고 싶어요 I want to order Bulgogi.
오늘 쇼핑가고 싶어요 Today I want to go shopping.

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