#18 Weekly Korean Lesson - BTS (방탄소년단) 'IDOL'

You can call me artist  You can call me artist
You can call me idol  You can call me idol
아님 어떤 다른 뭐라 해도  or whatever you might call me
I don’t care  I don’t care
I’m proud of it  I’m proud of it
난 자유롭네  I am free
No more irony  No more irony
나는 항상 나였기에  because I'm always myself

손가락질 해, 나는 전혀 신경 쓰지 않네  people point fingers at me, I don't care at all
나를 욕하는 너의 그 이유가 뭐든 간에  whatever the reason you have to badmouth me
I know what I am  I know what I am
I know what I want  I know what I want
I never gon' change  I never gon' change
I never gon' trade  I never gon' trade
(Trade off)  (Trade off)

뭘 어쩌고 저쩌고 떠들어대셔  quit talking shit
I do what I do, 그니까 넌 너나 잘하셔  I do what I do, so mind your own business
You can’t stop me lovin’ myself  You can’t stop me lovin’ myself

얼쑤 좋다  yahoo, great
You can’t stop me lovin’ myself  You can’t stop me lovin’ myself
지화자 좋다  bravo, great
You can’t stop me lovin’ myself  You can’t stop me lovin’ myself

덩기덕 쿵더러러   dungkideog kungdeoreoreo (traditional music sound)
얼쑤  yahoo

덩기덕 쿵더러러   dungkideog kungdeoreoreo (traditional music sound)
얼쑤  yahoo

Face off 마치 오우삼, ay  Face off, like Ousam, ay
Top star with that spotlight, ay  Top star with that spotlight, ay
때론 슈퍼히어로가 돼  sometimes become a super hero
돌려대 너의 Anpanman  Spin it, I am your Anpanman
24시간이 적지  24 hours are too short
헷갈림, 내겐 사치  confusion is wasteful
I do my thang  I do my thang
I love myself  I love myself

I love myself, I love my fans  I love myself, I love my fans
Love my dance and my what  Love my dance and my what
내 속안엔 몇 십 몇 백명의 내가 있어  there are hundreds of versions of people inside me
오늘 또 다른 날 맞이해  welcome today like another day
어차피 전부 다 나이기에  anyway it's all me
고민보다는 걍 달리네  just run rather than worrying
Runnin' man  Runnin' man
Runnin' man  Runnin' man
Runnin' man  Runnin' man

뭘 어쩌고 저쩌고 떠들어대셔  quit talking shit
I do what I do, 그니까 넌 너나 잘하셔  I do what I do, so mind your own business
You can’t stop me lovin’ myself  You can’t stop me lovin’ myself

얼쑤 좋다  yahoo, great
You can’t stop me lovin’ myself  You can’t stop me lovin’ myself
지화자 좋다  bravo, great
You can’t stop me lovin’ myself  You can’t stop me lovin’ myself

덩기덕 쿵더러러   dungkideog kungdeoreoreo (traditional music sound)
얼쑤  yahoo

덩기덕 쿵더러러   dungkideog kungdeoreoreo (traditional music sound)
얼쑤  yahoo

I’m so fine wherever I go  I’m so fine wherever I go
가끔 멀리 돌아가도  even if it's a detour sometimes
It’s okay, I’m in love with myself  It’s okay, I’m in love with myself
It’s okay, 난 이 순간 행복해  It’s okay

얼쑤 좋다  yahoo, great
You can’t stop me lovin’ myself  You can’t stop me lovin’ myself
지화자 좋다  bravo, great
You can’t stop me lovin’ myself  You can’t stop me lovin’ myself

덩기덕 쿵더러러   dungkideog kungdeoreoreo (traditional music sound)
얼쑤  yahoo

덩기덕 쿵더러러   dungkideog kungdeoreoreo (traditional music sound)
얼쑤  yahoo

Korean English Korean English
손가락질 finger pointing 이유 reason
슈퍼히어로 super hero 헷갈림 confusion
insdie 오늘 today
day 전부 all
me 가끔 sometimes
순간 moment

**Note: Dictionary form is words you can search in dictionary.**
Found words Dictionary form English meaning
해도 하다 to do
자유롭네 자유롭다 to be free
신경 쓰지 않네 신경 쓰다 to care
욕하는 욕하다 to badmouth
떠들어대셔 떠들다 to be noisy
잘하셔 잘하다 to do well
좋다 좋다 to be good
되다 to become
돌려대 돌리다 to spin
적지 적다 to be short
있어 있다 to exist
맞이해 맞이하다 to welcome
달리네 달리다 to run
돌아가도 돌아가다 to go around, detour
행복해 행복하다 to be happy

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