#26 Weekly Korean Lesson - Paul Kim(폴킴) 'Me After You(너를 만나)'
너를 만난 그 이후로 since I met you
사소한 변화들에 행복해져 I've become happier to small little things
눈이 부시게 빛 나는 아침 sun shinning morning
너를 떠올리며 눈 뜨는 하루 I wake up thinking of you
식탁 위에 마주 앉아 facing you on a table
너의 하루는 어땠는지 묻거나 asking you how your day was, or
나의 하루도 썩 괜찮았어 "my day was quite good too"
웃으며 대답해 주고 싶어 I want to reply to you
별것 아닌 일에 맘이 통할 때면 when we feel connected on something trivial
익숙해진 서로가 놀라웠어 it's amazing to see how familiar we've became with each other
널 사랑해 I love you
평온한 지금처럼만 like now, only the peaceful time
영원하고 싶다고 I want it to be forever
너를 바라보다 생각했어 while thinking of you
너를 만나 참 행복했어 I was happy I met you
나 이토록 사랑할 수 있었던 건 the reason I was able to love you this much was
아직 어리고 모자란 내 맘 I was still young and naive
따뜻한 이해로 다 안아줘서 I embraced everything with my kind understanding
무심한 말투에 서로 아플 때면 when we made each other feel bad with hurtful talk
차가워진 사이가 our relationship becoming cold
견딜 수 없어 미안해 was unbearable, I am sorry
불안한 지금이라도 even if now is the unstable time
영원하고 싶다고 I still wanted it to be forever
너를 바라보다 생각했어 while thinking of you
너를 만나 참 행복했어 I was happy I met you
나 이토록 사랑할 수 있었던 건 the reason I was able to love you this much was
아직 어리고 모자란 내 맘 I was still young and naive
따뜻한 이해로 다 안아줘서 I embraced everything with my kind understanding
뜨거웠던 여름 지나 as the hot summer passed by
그리워질 빗소리에 missing the sound of rain
하나 둘 수줍어 또 얼굴 붉히면 we start to get shy and get red
생각이 많아진 너의 눈에 입 맞출 테니 I kiss you on your eyes of many thoughts
우리 함께 걸어가기로 해 then we decide to talk together
나를 만나 너도 행복하니 I am happy I met you
못 해준 게 더 많아서 미안해 there are more things I couldn't do for you, I am sorry
이기적이고 불안한 내가 selfish and unstable me
너에게만은 잘하고 싶었어 I still wanted to do good things for you
오랫동안 나 기다려온 for the long time, waiting for
완벽한 사랑을 찾은 것 같아 the perfect love seems found
날 잡아줘서 힘이 돼줘서 because you hold me, support me, and
소중한 배려로 날 안아줘서 hug me with sincere consideration
너를 만나 I meet you
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