#33 Weekly Korean Lesson - 위너 WINNER 'MILLIONS'

I like you babe  I like you babe
어디가 그렇게 좋으냐고 묻네  you ask me what I like about you
Baby wait a sec  Baby wait a sec
손가락 열 개를 다 접어도 이유를 다 세지 못할 만큼  to the degree I cannot count all the reasons with my ten fingers
Just like you babe  Just like you babe
이걸론 부족해?  is that enough?

말해 뭐해 거 아가씨  tell you what miss
넌 조물주의 마스터피스  you are the god's creation master piece
어제 마젤란이 말하길  yesterday as per Magellan
너 찾아다닌 거래 지구 한 바퀴  he was looking for you all around the globe
반대로 반대로 넌 내가 왜 좋아?  on the other hand, on the other hand, why do you like me?
마 뜨면 혼나 야  don't take too much time to answer
Milli는 뭔 Milli, 넌 Billi, um.. Trillion  what Milli, you are Billi, umm.. Trillion
말해줘 일일이? 어?  do you want me to spell it out? eh?

겉으로만 수백 가지 그 속엔 백만 가지  hundreds outside, millions inside
이유들로 네가 좋아 Baby   of reasons, I like you Baby
해가 두 번 뜰 때까지 옆에 있어 줄래 같이   will you stay with me until the sun rises two more times
다 말해주고 싶어  I wanna tell you all

네가 좋은 이유 Got millions millions millions  reasons I like you Got millions millions millions
The reason I like you (Oh yeah yeah yeah)  The reason I like you (Oh yeah yeah yeah)
네가 좋은 이유 Got millions millions millions  reasons I like you Got millions millions millions
The reason I like you (Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)  The reason I like you (Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)

I like you babe  I like you babe
어디가 그렇게 좋으냐고 묻네  you ask me what I like about you
Baby wait a sec  Baby wait a sec
이틀을 쉬지 않고 말해도 끝없이 말할 수 있을 만큼  not enough time to tell you for two days without a break
Just like you babe  Just like you babe
이걸론 부족해?  is that enough?

네가 얼마큼 좋냐고?  asking how much I like you?
이 세상 컬러에 숫자를 메길게  as many different colours as there are in the world
어려운 수학은 몰라도 사랑은 더하고 제곱에 Babe  I am not good at difficult math, but for love I know how to add and multiply Babe
코끝을 간지럽히는 봄이 찾아온 듯이 꽃 피는  flowers are blooming as if the spring has arrived
내 맘에 나비가 돼 날아와  fly to my heart like a butterfly
날갯짓에 난 또 설레잖아  I get thrilled about how elegantly wings are moving

겉으로만 수백 가지 그 속엔 백만 가지  hundreds outside, millions inside
이유들로 네가 좋아 Baby   of reasons, I like you Baby
해가 두 번 뜰 때까지 옆에 있어 줄래 같이   will you stay with me until the sun rises two more times
다 말해주고 싶어  I wanna tell you all

네가 좋은 이유 Got millions millions millions  reasons I like you Got millions millions millions
The reason I like you (Oh yeah yeah yeah)  The reason I like you (Oh yeah yeah yeah)
네가 좋은 이유 Got millions millions millions  reasons I like you Got millions millions millions
The reason I like you (Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)  The reason I like you (Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)

(One) 원해 내 마음이 너를 원해  (1) I want you, my heart wants you
(Two) 투정 부려도 예쁘네  (2) you still look pretty when you whine
(Three) 스릴러 영화는 싫은데  (3) I am not a fan of thriller movies
너와 함께면 열 번을 봐도 OK  but I am OK watching them even 10 times as long as I am with you

(Four) For me 나를 위해주네  (4) For me, you care about me
(Five) Five star S라인 몸매  (5) Five star S line body shape
(Six) Sixth sense 반전 매력에  (6) Sixth sense twist attraction

네가 좋은 이유 Got millions millions millions  reasons I like you Got millions millions millions
The reason I like you (Oh yeah yeah yeah)  The reason I like you (Oh yeah yeah yeah)
네가 좋은 이유 Got millions millions millions  reasons I like you Got millions millions millions
The reason I like you (Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)  The reason I like you (Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)
네가 좋은 이유 Got millions millions millions  reasons I like you Got millions millions millions

(듣고 싶을 때 언제든지 말만 해 이 노랠 불러줄게)  (I'll sing this song for you anytime you wanna hear)
네가 좋은 이유 Got millions  reasons I like you Got millions
(알고 싶을 때 언제든지 말만 해 내가 다 말해줄게)  (I'll tell you all anytime you wanna know)
네가 좋은 이유 Got millions  reasons I like you Got millions

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