#34 Weekly Korean Lesson - 청하 (CHUNG HA) '벌써 12시 (Gotta go)'

Yeah I like it 네가 말을 놓는 것도  Yeah I like it you speak to me casually
Like it 너의 작은 말투도  Like it even your little accent
나쁘지 않은걸  it's not bad
Boy you know know know know  Boy you know know know know
Like the way 말없이 손을 잡고  Like the way grab my hand without mentioning
Like the way 조금은 놀래도  Like the way rather a bit surprised but
싫지가 않은걸  I don't mind it
You know boy boy boy boy  You know boy boy boy boy

물감처럼 파랗던  was blue like a water colour
하늘은 벌써 까맣고  the sky has already turned dark
감정은 더 깊어져 yeah  affection is getting deeper yeah
I gotta tell you this  I gotta tell you this
우리 둘만 느껴지는 이상한 느낌  strange feeling only two of us can tell
나도 너무 좋아 but it’s too late  I also really like it but it's too late

아쉬워 벌써 12시  too bad it's already 12 o'clock
어떡해 벌써 12시네  what should I do, it's already 12 o'clock
보내주기 싫은걸  I don't wanna let you go
알고 있어 how you feel it  I know how you feel it

음악에 맞춰 사랑을 속삭이고 싶어  I wanna whisper love to the music
솔직히 우리 둘 맘이 같은 걸  frankly we are on the same page
Gotta go gotta go 12시  Gotta go gotta go 12 o'clock
같은 생각인 걸 알고 있는데  although we are thinking of the same thing
더 이상은 솔직할 수 없는 걸  I can no longer be honest
Gotta go gotta go 12시  Gotta go gotta go 12시

어쩜 우린 닮은 것도 많아  perhaps there are many common things
취향 취미 먹을 때도 말야  style, hobby, even when we eat
You’re reading my heart  You’re reading my heart
좀 더 일찍 알았다면  I wish I knew earlier
어땠을까 생각하게 돼 yeah  wonder what could've been?

별들은 더 빛나고  stars are more shining
시간은 점점 지나고  time is going by
감성은 더 짙어져 yeah  affection is getting deeper
I gotta tell you this  I gotta tell you this
너에게만 느껴지는 포근한 느낌  warm feeling only from you
나도 너무 좋아 but it’s too late  I also really like it but it's too late

아쉬워 벌써 12시  too bad it's already 12 o'clock
어떡해 벌써 12시네  what should I do, it's already 12 o'clock
보내주기 싫은걸  I don't wanna let you go
알고 있어 how you feel it  I know how you feel it

음악에 맞춰 사랑을 속삭이고 싶어  I wanna whisper love to the music
솔직히 우리 둘 맘이 같은 걸  frankly we are on the same page
Gotta go gotta go 12시  Gotta go gotta go 12 o'clock
같은 생각인 걸 알고 있는데  although we are thinking of the same thing
더 이상은 솔직할 수 없는 걸  I can no longer be honest
Gotta go gotta go 12시  Gotta go gotta go 12시

구석에 맘 한구석에  somewhere in my mind
조그만 끈  tiny string
붙잡고 있는 걸  is holding me
Baby don’t wanna be alone  Baby don’t wanna be alone
늦으면 더 늦어지면 어쩌면 다 놓아버릴지 몰라  if it's more late, perhaps I might let it all in
I’m really trying to make you see  I’m really trying to make you see

아쉬워 벌써 12시  too bad it's already 12 o'clock
어떡해 벌써 12시네  what should I do, it's already 12 o'clock
보내주기 싫은걸  I don't wanna let you go
알고 있어 how you feel it  I know how you feel it

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